Create a Media Pitch Following the Problem-Agitate-Solution Framework to Generate Coverage for Your Startup

Given that I am the founder of an startup, create a media pitch following the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution) framework to generate coverage for my startup. Begin by introducing a problem relevant to the current industry climate that my startup aims to address.

Communicate the urgency of the problem and how it affects potential customers or the industry at large. Agitate by elaborating on the consequences if this problem goes unresolved.

Then, present the solution my startup offers, detailing its unique advantages and how it stands apart from the competition. Ensure this section of the pitch showcases my startup’s USP in a compelling manner.

Incorporate key data points or testimonials that prove the efficacy of our solution. Be concise yet impactful with this evidence to build credibility.

Conclude with a direct call to action, prompting the journalist to take the next step, such as arranging an interview or requesting more information.

Please maintain a professional tone throughout the pitch but ensure it feels personalized to the journalist's beat and interests. Attach any relevant press releases or additional materials that would assist the journalist in seeing the full potential of the story.

The pitch should not exceed 350 words, allowing for quick readability while being rich in content. Format the pitch in Markdown for readability and emphasis where needed.

Before we begin, you may start by asking me a series of questions to help you with the task.

Certainly! I'll need some context to tailor the media pitch to your specific startup. Here are some questions that will help guide the pitch:

  1. What is the name of your startup, and what industry or sector does it operate in?
  2. Can you describe the problem that your startup addresses in a few sentences?
  3. Who is primarily affected by this problem, and how widespread is it?
  4. What are the potential consequences or impact if this problem remains unresolved?
  5. How does your startup propose to solve this problem? Please describe your solution.
  6. What are the unique selling points (USPs) of your startup's solution?
  7. Do you have any data, statistics, or testimonials to support the effectiveness of your solution?
  8. Is there anything specific about the journalist's beat or past work that we should be aware of to make sure the pitch aligns with their interests?
  9. Does your startup have any upcoming events, product launches, or significant milestones that might be an angle for the story?
  10. Lastly, do you have any press releases, media kits, or other materials to accompany the pitch?

Once I have this information, I'll craft a personalized, concise, and compelling media pitch using the PAS framework to engage a journalist.

What is the name of your startup, and what industry or sector does it operate in? The startup is Wielded, but I'll like to pitch the newsletter, The AI Edge, by the company. It operates in the enterprise productivity tool space, specifically using ChatGPT to multiply the productivity of employees.

Can you describe the problem that your startup addresses in a few sentences? ChatGPT is still a new technology and many people knows that its impact is going to be huge but cannot see how it is immediately applicable to them, especially founders and tech leaders. Many of them has never tried the tool out and even if they did, they are giving up when it's not achieving the results they imagine on the first tries. Few has truly seen how far the AI tool can take them and help them multiply the productivity levels throughout their entire organisation.

Who is primarily affected by this problem, and how widespread is it? Founders and tech leaders. Only 10% or fewer people has seen how ChatGPT can be used within their organisation's workflow.

What are the potential consequences or impact if this problem remains unresolved? The impact is that these companies that are lagging behind will become less competitive as they are able to produce less compared to their competitors who are embracing AI within their workflow. Specific example would be in searchability. Competitors could generate dozen of articles in the same time it takes for a human editor to produce one and they can be more visible when customers search for products or solutions.

How does your startup propose to solve this problem? Please describe your solution. The newsletter help founders and tech decision leader learn more about how ChatGPT can be used or are being used in other startups that are embracing it in their workflow. It takes common tasks that these leaders or their staffs have to perform on a daily basis and showcase a ChatGPT prompt that can greatly reduce the amount of time to complete a task. It does not only share the exact prompt the reader can use but also shows example of how to use the prompt.

What are the unique selling points (USPs) of your startup's solution? The newsletter:

  • is a result of conversations with dozen of founders on the tasks that takes up most of their time
  • shows the exact prompt that is required by the task
  • shows examples of how it's being used
  • is completely free to subscribe

Do you have any data, statistics, or testimonials to support the effectiveness of your solution?

  • a founder shaved a couple of hours creating her LinkedIn about story minutes after reading the newsletter

Is there anything specific about the journalist's beat or past work that we should be aware of to make sure the pitch aligns with their interests?

  • not at the moment

Does your startup have any upcoming events, product launches, or significant milestones that might be an angle for the story?

  • not at the moment

Lastly, do you have any press releases, media kits, or other materials to accompany the pitch?

  • not at the moment

Thank you for providing the required details. Here's how your media pitch using the Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) framework could look:

Dear [Journalist's Name],

The Problem Facing Founders and Tech Leaders
In the rapidly evolving landscape of enterprise productivity tools, the emergence of ChatGPT has heralded a new era of potential. However, while the buzz around AI's transformative power is deafening, its practical application in enhancing operational efficiency remains a nebulous concept for many. Founders and tech leaders, occupied with the day-to-day, are missing out on integrating this revolutionary AI into their workflows—a critical oversight considering only 10% are leveraging such tools effectively.

The Consequence of Inaction
The cost of inertia is high. Companies slow to harness ChatGPT find themselves outpaced, producing less, and faltering in competitiveness. They risk being obscured in a market where their AI-powered peers are churning out high-quality content, amplifying their digital presence to meet modern consumers where they search and interact.

The Wielded Solution: The AI Edge Newsletter
Enter The AI Edge by Wielded, a newsletter designed specifically for the time-strapped founder and forward-thinking tech leader. Our publication pierces the fog of AI ambiguity, delivering:

  • Actionable ChatGPT prompts targeting the most time-intensive tasks.
  • Real-life applications and success stories to inspire and guide your implementation.
  • A community insight into how leading startups are seamlessly embedding AI into daily operations.

Our USP is evident: the distillation of countless discussions with founders into a concise, free-to-subscribe digest of AI empowerment. One founder reports slashing hours from her schedule, crafting a compelling LinkedIn story in mere minutes, thanks to a prompt featured in The AI Edge.

Call to Action
Make the decisive move from curiosity to mastery of AI-productivity. Imagine your readers equipped with the tools to redefine their workflows. For a deeper dive into how The AI Edge is reshaping the enterprise productivity landscape, please contact us at your earliest convenience to arrange an interview or to request further information.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
Founder, Wielded | Publisher, The AI Edge

Please replace placeholder text, such as [Journalist's Name] and [Your Name], with the actual names before sending. Attach any past issues of The AI Edge which could provide additional context for the journalist.

Wielded is how modern teams leverage ChatGPT.

Multiply your team's productivity & foster a collaborative and shared workspace that leverages OpenAI's cost-effective API.