"I'm spending more time rewriting and editing ChatGPT content than if I've just done it myself!"

You're utterly frustrated with the low-quality, soulless content that ChatGPT spits out. It feels like a waste of time trying to wrestle that AI-generated mess into something usable for your marketing needs. The "chatgpt voice" is so painfully generic and lacks any creativity or nuance. And let's not even talk about how it does nothing for SEO.

You've tried following all the "prompt engineering" advice out there, but it's just not working. Your work keeps getting thrown back at you, and you're at your wits' end, feeling like you're failing to keep the bosses happy. The constant struggle to turn AI output into something remotely passable is burning you out.

After spending more time trying to make it work, you are still thinking:

It's very inorganic. There is very little to no pacing, no interesting structure. Humans write with more variety and manipulate tone by comparison.
I'm trying out the advice of LinkedIn 'gurus' and getting bad results so it was either these people are full of it or it doesn't work!
I just can't get ChatGPT to write in my company's voice!!!

You know there has to be a better way to leverage AI for content creation that actually resonates with your audience. You've seen other marketers seemingly make it work. But every time you try the latest "prompt hack," you end up with more confusion and wasted hours than if you'd just created the content yourself.

Let's hold that thought for a moment and consider an alternative...

What if you could consistently generate high-quality, audience-centric marketing content at scale using AI?

Imagine having a simple framework for prompting ChatGPT to produce focused, nuanced pieces that speak directly to your customers' pain points and desires - using your brand voice.

Your content would capture their authentic voice and mindset, engaging them in a way that nurtures real relationships.

You could stop cringing, "This doesn't sound like us at all..." because you'd know exactly how to infuse your brand's personality into every piece of content.

You could stop worrying, "Will anyone point this out as written by ChatGPT in public?" because you're able to shed the "ChatGPT voice" and captivate your audience.

You could then repurpose that content effortlessly into multiple formats tailored for different social platforms. You'd never have to worry about "talking at" your audience again.

Learn how to use ChatGPT for content marketing confidently, by joining AI Content Mastery

You'll learn step-by-step how to synthesize your existing customer research, surveys, interviews, and data into detailed prompts that make the AI output read like it's coming directly from the voice and mindset of your target market.

You'll get a framework for developing ultra-specific briefs that turn ChatGPT into your empathy engine, generating audience-centric ideas, outlines, and first drafts guaranteed to resonate.

But that's just the start. You'll also learn a repurposing workflow to effortlessly transform that core content into fresh, tailored formats for every social media platform and marketing channel.

Want to go viral on Twitter? I'll show you how to adopt the style and personality of top influencers to create tweets that get attention. You'll be able to quickly spin up videos, carousels, and threads that feel like they were made by the platform's biggest influencer.

No more settling for useless "XX ChatGPT Prompts Marketers Should Use" and toss that "You are an expert content marketer..." prompt away.

When you enroll in AI Content Mastery, here's exactly what you'll do:

  • You'll learn how to train ChatGPT to sound exactly like you.
  • Then learn how to choose different AI models for different needs.
  • And how to get access to them for FREE (or low cost).
  • You'll build audience research materials using a unique approach.
  • So ChatGPT can write in your audience's language.
  • And understand their pain and dreams.
  • You'll plan a content calendar from the perspective of your audience's life - not some lame generalities or what you feel like "announcing".
  • Then create valuable content for your audience that builds your reputation, earns trust, and ranks on Google.
  • You'll learn to distribute them across different platforms to gain traffic.
  • Like how to respond and plug your content in a Reddit thread that doesn't get you banned.
  • And "clone" top influencers' voices to distribute content on LinkedIn or Twitter if you prefer.
  • You will learn how to properly prompt AI to get exactly what you want.
  • Then build your own workflow.
  • You'll master cloning your unique approach to content marketing.
  • Then develop prompts and workflows that replicate and automate your unique approach and processes.
  • And at the end, you'll execute your content marketing strategy with a system that consistently delivers results.

With this system, you'll have a constant stream of creative, audience-obsessed marketing content that drives insane levels of engagement, shares, and sales.

Your posts will make your audience feel like you "get" them in a way your competitors don't. And you'll learn a workflow for getting ChatGPT to generate web content that actually ranks on Google - using an endless trove of long tail keyword directly from your audience.

You might be hesitant to subscribe to "yet another prompt library" because you've developed an unique approach to content in your role.

Fret not, this course doesn't only give you prompts that works. You'll learn the fundamentals of how you can develop your own workflow using your unique approach to content.

At the end of the week you will learn how to systemize your unique approach to content and develop your own custom prompts that consistently deliver the results you need. No more guessing games or wasted hours trying to figure out how to make AI work for you.

You could start shipping high quality content like a machine in 8 hours...

When you enroll you get instant access to:

  • Over 30 action-oriented lessons: 10+ video lessons and over 10+ step-by-step tutorials
  • Methods to access AI models (GPT-4, Claude 3, Gemini Pro, Llama 3, etc) for free or low cost
  • Prompt libraries with over 10+ prompts for different content marketing needs
  • Tools, plugins and apps to help you integrate what you learn in the course in your workflow
  • And free updates to course materials as we make AI Content Mastery even better

Stop wasting hours trying to wrestle AI-generated nonsense into something usable. Enroll in the AI Content Mastery course today, and you'll have everything you need to start leveraging ChatGPT's full potential for audience-centric content marketing.

Just follow the step-by-step system, and you'll be publishing fresh, high-converting, SEO-optimized content for every platform and channel in no time.

Get on our 2024 waiting list for the earliest chance to enroll

To help the community get the maximum support and attention, we're limiting the number of students in each cohort. We're currently enrolling for the 2024 cohort, and spots are filling up fast.

New students are invited to enroll via our waiting list with new spots every month. Exact dates will be announced only to this waiting list!

The AI Content Mastery Guarantee

We are confident that the AI Content Mastery course will help you create better content faster and more efficiently than ever before.

Learning how to work with AI takes time, effort, and practice... but following the process helps you learn to work with AI in a way that feels natural and intuitive. Your wins might be small at first, and you might have some setbacks, but with the guided practice, you'll get better and better. In most cases, getting just 20% right will put you ahead of your career, in front of your peers.

If you complete the course and implement the strategies but don't see results, we will refund your investment in full.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is AI Content Mastery right for me?

AI Content Mastery is perfect for early-stage founders, content marketers, copywriters, social media managers and marketing leaders who want to leverage AI to create high-quality, audience-centric content that drives engagement and sales.

What happens after I buy?

After you purchase AI Content Mastery, you'll receive an email with instructions to instantly access to all course materials and can start learning immediately.

Will I be an expert at marketing after the AI Content Mastery Course?

AI Content Mastery is designed to give you a solid foundation in content marketing with AI. You'll learn how to use AI to generate content that resonates with your audience, but you'll benefit most if you are already familiar with the basics of content marketing as this is NOT a marketing course.

Do I need to purchase additional tools to learn and use the techniques taught in the course?

During the course, you'll learn different tools and techniques to help you integrate AI into your content marketing workflow. Some tools are free, while others require a subscription.

For the tools or softwares that require a subscription, there will always be a free alternative that you can use, especially for learners. You do NOT have to pay for any additional tools if you do not wish to, and you will NOT miss out on any learning opportunities.

How much time will I need to dedicate to this course?

AI Content Mastery is a self-paced course, so you can complete it at your own pace.

The course is designed so that you can start seeing results within the first hour of work. However, to get the most out of the course, we recommend dedicating time each week to complete the lessons and learn to integrate AI into your content marketing workflow.

Once you've put the hours in, you will start seeing results in your output. And others will see it too!