Create a search box on the persona gallery widget for easy searching of stored personas

Considering the INVEST criteria and leveraging User Story Mapping, develop a user story for my product.

  1. User Story Format: Craft each story using the template:

    • As a [type of user], I want [an action] so that [a benefit/value].
  2. Acceptance Criteria: List out clear, testable conditions for each story to ensure the development team understands when the feature is complete.

Please present this information using Markdown formatting for clear organization. Make sure each user story is independent, small, and actionable. The details should be enough that engineers and designers can estimate the work without being overly prescriptive, preserving room for discussion and innovation in the solutioning phase. Aim for a balance between detail and flexibility.

  • Headers for each user story and its criteria.
  • Bullet Points for acceptance criteria.
  • Bold Text for key concepts or highlights within the stories.

Story: Create a search box on the persona gallery widget to allow wielded's user to search through the list of personas easily especially when they have more than 5 different stored personas. The search does not need to call any api and can be implemented on the frontend only.

User Story: Enhanced Persona Gallery Navigation

As a marketer using Wielded, I want to quickly find a specific persona using a search box in the persona gallery widget, So that I can efficiently switch between different task contexts without scrolling through a long list.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Search Functionality:
    • There is a search box present at the top of the persona gallery widget.
    • The user can type into the search box to filter persona names in real-time.
  • Ease of Use:
    • The search feature is intuitive and does not require any special commands or syntax.
  • Frontend Implementation:
    • The search functionality operates entirely on the frontend and does not require backend API calls.
  • Performance:
    • Results update instantly as the user types, without any noticeable lag.
  • User Experience:
    • If a user searches for a persona that does not exist, the widget clearly displays a "No matching personas found" message.
    • As soon as the search box is cleared or the searched term is deleted, the full list of personas is displayed again.
  • Scalability:
    • The search feature performs well regardless of the number of personas (works well with more than 5 personas).
  • Non-Functional Requirements:
    • The search box should match the existing design and UI elements of Wielded for a consistent user experience.
  • Testing:
    • The feature has been thoroughly tested across different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.

Use bold text to highlight key functionality like Search Functionality and User Experience elements which are critical to the user story's success.

Wielded is how modern teams leverage ChatGPT.

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