Mastering Employee Feedback As A Startup Founder - A ChatGPT Guide

Effective employee feedback is a linchpin of growth in any startup. It fosters professional development, boosts morale, and aligns individual efforts with company objectives. Especially for leaders in the fast-paced startup environment, mastering this skill is essential. Discover how to craft feedback that motivates and guides your team—with insights from AI and Wielded.

As a founder, you wear multiple hats, and one of them is the coach of your growing team. Writing effective employee feedback can be both art and science, especially in a budding startup where every interaction counts. Dive into the world of constructive, candid, and nurturing feedback designed for the unique dynamics of your fast-moving venture.

The Challenge

Startup founders often face challenges such as limited time, resources, and varying levels of employee experience. Moreover, maintaining a balance between providing nurturing guidance and challenging employees to push boundaries can be inherently complex. The delicacy of building a feedback culture in a high-pressure environment shouldn't be underestimated.

How to Write Employee Feedback

Writing employee feedback in a startup entails reflecting on performance within the intricate web of innovation, agility, and personal growth. Here's how:

  1. Start with appreciation: Recognize the individual's contributions to create an atmosphere of trust and openness.
  2. Be specific with S.B.I: Use the Situation-Behavior-Impact model to describe particular events, what actions were taken, and their repercussions.
  3. Incorporate S.M.A.R.T. Goals: Guide future behaviors and developments with goals that are concrete and achievable within a reasonable timeframe.
  4. Promote Growth: Offer paths for skill enhancement and knowledge acquisition that resonate with the company's trajectory and the employee's aspirations.
  5. End with encouragement: Reinforce their importance to your startup, and keep the door wide open for further conversation and development opportunities.

ChatGPT Prompt for Founders to Write Employee Feedback

Utilizing the Radical Candor framework combined with the S.M.A.R.T. goals approach, assist me as a startup founder in crafting structured and constructive employee feedback. This feedback needs to be both empathetic and direct to motivate my team while also setting clear expectations for their performance. The feedback should specify:

1. An opening that sets a positive tone and expresses genuine appreciation for the employee's efforts.
2. A clear narrative using the S.B.I. (Situation-Behavior-Impact) model, focusing on specific instances—what was done (Behavior), when it was done (Situation), and why it mattered (Impact).
3. An integration of S.M.A.R.T. goals to establish future performance expectations in a measurable and time-oriented fashion.
4. Suggestions for professional growth and development opportunities that align with both company objectives and the employee's personal career goals.
5. A closing that reaffirms the employee's value to the team and the organization, providing encouragement and openness for ongoing dialogue.

The feedback delivered should be personalized, aim for a balance between acknowledging achievements and addressing areas for improvement, maximize clarity, and minimize misunderstandings.

Before we begin, you may start by asking me a series of questions to help you write this feedback for me.

Example of Prompt in Use

Below you can see an example of a founder using this prompt to write an employee feedback:

How Wielded is Designed to Help

At Wielded, we understand that fluid, contextual transitions between different work modes are foundational for a startup's success. Here's how Wielded champions you through:

  • Custom Personas: Quickly align your AI assistant with the appropriate context, whether you’re giving performance feedback or discussing goals.
  • Preferences Memory: Your style, tone, and format preferences are remembered across tasks. Maintain consistency in communication with minimal effort.
  • Team Integration: Collaborate and share personas within your team for a coherent strategy in nurturing employee growth.

Wielded is more than a productivity tool—it’s a fundamental part of your startup’s talent development engine.


Q: As a startup founder, how can I make time for crafting thoughtful feedback?

A: Wielded streamlines the feedback process by understanding your management style and preferences, allowing you to focus on personalizing the message without getting bogged down by details.

Q: How do I ensure my employee feedback is specific and actionable?

A: Start by identifying the exact behavior or accomplishment, clarify its impact on the team or project, and then suggest specific actions or improvements to build on this. Using the SBI (Situation-Behavior-Impact) model is a valuable approach for staying focused on concrete examples.

Q: Can you explain more about how the Radical Candor framework aids in providing feedback?

A: Radical Candor is a feedback approach founded on the idea of caring personally for your employees while challenging them directly. It's about creating a relationship where you can offer candid critique because your employees understand that your feedback comes from a good place. This fosters a better reception and encourages personal and professional growth.

Q: When is the right time to introduce S.M.A.R.T. goals during the feedback process?

A: S.M.A.R.T. goals should be discussed towards the end of the feedback session, after reviewing past performances. This pivots the conversation from reflection to action, setting a clear, measurable path for future endeavors while keeping the employee engaged and focused.

Q: What is the advantage of incorporating the 360-degree feedback into my startup?

A: The 360-degree feedback mechanism allows you to gather insights from a variety of sources, such as colleagues, managers, and direct reports. This can help provide a more rounded view of an employee's performance, covering a range of perspectives that you might not see on your own. It encourages a culture of transparency and continuous learning within your startup.

Q: Is it really necessary to end feedback on a positive note?

A: Yes, ending on a positive note helps reinforce your employee's value to the team and company. It cultivates an optimistic outlook and motivates them to improve. Positive closing remarks can also make the employee more receptive to critical feedback and ensure they leave the conversation focused on future success rather than past shortcomings.

Q: What if my feedback relates to a sensitive subject?

A: Context-aware personas within Wielded can guide you in adopting the right tone for sensitive matters, ensuring that your feedback is delivered with care and precision.

Q: How can I ensure my feedback results in actual improvement?

A: By establishing clear S.M.A.R.T. goals within the feedback and using Wielded to track progress, you facilitate actionable steps for your employees to follow.

Q: Can Wielded help in forming a feedback culture in my startup?

A: Yes, by using Wielded, you can create a feedback model that resonates with your startup's values and operational rhythm, paving the way for a robust feedback culture.

Wielded is how modern teams leverage ChatGPT.

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