Daring Launch: How Startups Announce Breakthroughs to the World

Crafting a press release is both an art and a science—it's about capturing attention, articulating value, and driving action. For an early-stage startup founder, success hinges on conveying your breakthrough moment effectively. Here's how to harness the power of narrative to herald your startup's achievements and get the media buzzing—with a helping hand from Wielded.

As a founder, it's crucial to communicate your company's milestones with clarity and impact. After all, a well-crafted press release can turn the spotlight on your startup, attracting investors, partners, and customers alike. Let’s delve into the elements of a potent press release that ricochets through the corridors of the media world.

The Challenges

Crafting a press release that stands out in a sea of news requires more than just a good story. Founders must carefully construct and deliver their message to captivate journalists and resonate with potential stakeholders. It’s about nailing the art of subtle persuasion, maintaining an authoritative voice while ensuring the news is both substantial and engaging.

How to Create a Compelling Press Release

  1. Begin with a punch: A headline that succinctly summarizes the crux and tantalizes the reader.
  2. Present, don’t narrate: Use the date and place to set the stage without delving into a backstory.
  3. Empower your opening: Cater to the quintessential journalism mantra—the 5 Ws and H.
  4. Body as the battleground: Start strong, keep building interest, stir desire, and incite immediate action.
  5. Quotes to humanize: Personalize the press release with relatable, inspiring insights from the people behind the innovation.
  6. Boilerplate with finesse: Summarize your startup's essence; crisp, clear, and captivating.
  7. Call that beckons: Direct readers deliberately, leaving no ambiguity about the next steps.

ChatGPT Prompt for Founders to Create a Press Release

Using the Inverted Pyramid model and following the AIDA framework, help me draft a press release for my startup. Begin with a compelling headline that captures the essence of our latest significant milestone. Follow with today's date and the city where our company is headquartered.

Provide an introductory paragraph that covers the 5 Ws and H, setting the stage for the rest of the release. In the body, detail the announcement's background, present market implications, projected impact, and weave in a narrative that generates interest and desire around this development.

Include a quote from me, the startup founder, and if applicable, add a second quote from an industry expert or partner that supports our announcement. Conclude with a succinct boilerplate about our startup's vision and accomplishments, followed by a clear call to action for readers. Ensure that any reader knows exactly what steps they should take, whether it's visiting our website, signing up for a demo, or attending our launch event.

Layout of the press release:

## Step 1: Headline
Develop a strong headline that encapsulates the main announcement and draws attention.

## Step 2: Dateline
Include the release date and city of origin.

## Step 3: Introduction
Employ the Inverted Pyramid model to write the opening paragraph summarizing the press release's key message, incorporating the 5 Ws and H.

## Step 4: Body
Elaborate on the details, following the AIDA structure:
- **Attention**: Begin with a fact or statement that firmly holds the reader's interest.
- **Interest**: Provide additional facts and details that delve into the specifics of the announcement.
- **Desire**: Explain the implications and why the announcement matters, and how it affects the industry or target audience.
- **Action**: Clearly state what the startup wants the audience or media to do after reading the press release.

## Step 5: Quotes
Insert 1-2 impactful quotes from the startup's founders or relevant industry experts to add a human element and authority.

## Step 6: Boilerplate
Provide a brief description of the startup, its mission, and its achievements thus far.

## Step 7: Call to Action
Conclude with a call to action, telling the reader where they can find more information or what step they should take next.

## Step 8: Contact Information
List the contact details (name, phone number, email) for media inquiries.

End the press release with my contact information including full name, title, phone number, and email address for further inquiries. Use formal language with third-person perspective, ensuring the text remains concise and adheres to professional standards fitting a press release. Keep the total word count around 400-500 words for brevity and effectiveness.

Before we begin, you may start by asking me a series of questions to help you write this press release for me.

Example of Prompt in Use

Here's how a founder used this precise prompt to craft an impactful press release:

Sample press release using ChatGPT with highlighted sections

How Wielded is Designed to Help

At Wielded, we empower startup founders like you to articulate your vision consistently and persuasively across all forms of communication. Here’s how:

  • Customized Communication Personas: Keep your startup's unique voice and messaging consistent with persona profiles that remember your preferred style and tone.
  • Team Contributions: Utilize Wielded’s collaborative features to involve your team in refining the press release, ensuring a multi-faceted view and richer content.
  • Continuous Learning: As you iterate on your press releases, Wielded adapts to fine-tune your startup’s narrative, making every new announcement more impactful than the last.

Turn your startup's milestones into headlines with Wielded—because every founder deserves to have their story told brilliantly.


Q: As a founder, how can I be sure my press release will actually get read by journalists?

A: Journalists look for newsworthiness and clarity. By using Wielded's Customized Communication Personas, your press release will be tailored to your startup's voice, ensuring it stands out and conveys your message directly, compellingly, and newsworthily.

Q: How can I make my press release more engaging besides just including the facts?

A: Craft a narrative by including founder quotes and a captivating story about your startup's journey. Wielded helps you maintain the fine balance between storytelling and factual reporting.

Q: How often should I be putting out press releases for my startup?

A: It's not about quantity but quality. Issue press releases for significant milestones, substantial updates, or impactful news. Wielded can help you discern the moments worth announcing and prepare the communication effectively.

Q: Is there a way to ensure consistency in tone across all my company's external communications?

A: Yes, by setting up a communication persona in Wielded that captures your startup's unique voice, you can ensure consistency across all channels.

Q: What are some examples of compelling calls to action I can include in my press release?

A: Calls to action can range from inviting readers to visit your website for more information, signing up for a trial of your product, attending an event, or simply reaching out promptly for further discussion.

Q: How technical should I get in a press release when my startup is in a specialized industry?

A: It's crucial to strike a balance between being informative and accessible. Use clear language and define any technical terms. Wielded can assist in simplifying complex jargon without losing the essence of your message.

Q: What's the importance of SEO in a press release and how can Wielded assist with this?

A: SEO enhances your visibility online. Wielded can help incorporate relevant keywords seamlessly into your press release, increasing the likelihood of your startup's news ranking higher in search engine results.

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