Crafting The Perfect Media Pitch: A Strategic Playbook for Startup Founders

Securing media coverage can be pivotal for a startup's brand recognition and growth. It's not just about having a groundbreaking product or service; it's about communicating your startup's story in a way that captivates and convinces. This guide walks you through constructing a media pitch that's structured to stand out and get you the coverage your startup deserves—with ChatGPT acting as your drafting partner.

As an early-stage startup founder, attracting media attention may seem daunting. Yet with the right approach, you can create a pitch that spotlights your startup’s innovative edge and speaks directly to journalists’ interests. Elevate your brand’s profile and storytelling with these strategic insights.

The Challenge

Startup founders frequently struggle with two main aspects of media pitching: capturing a journalist's interest in a sea of daily pitches and converting that interest into coverage. Compelling storytelling that aligns with your startup's unique narrative, newsworthiness, and the journalists’ beat are the keys to overcoming these hurdles.

How to Write a Media Pitch

Crafting a media pitch that gets coverage is part science, part art. Follow this framework for best results:

  1. Unearth Your USP: Convey what makes your startup unique briskly and boldly.
  2. Newsworthy Narrative: Leverage current trends or pain points your startup addresses for immediate relevance.
  3. Harness the PAS Framework: Skillfully navigate from Problem, over Agitation, to your innovative Solution.
  4. Know Your Audience: Be clear who the media outlet's audience is and how your story fits.
  5. Choose Wisely: Select media outlets in alignment with your message and audience.
  6. Customize Your Approach: Directly address the journalist's interests with personalized pitches.
  7. Support with Substance: Data, testimonials, and user feedback can greatly bolster your claims.
  8. The Call to Action: Conclude with a straightforward ask - be it an interview or a demo.

ChatGPT Prompt for Founders to Write a Media Pitch

Given that I am the founder of an startup, create a media pitch following the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution) framework to generate coverage for my startup. Begin by introducing a problem relevant to the current industry climate that my startup aims to address.

Communicate the urgency of the problem and how it affects potential customers or the industry at large. Agitate by elaborating on the consequences if this problem goes unresolved.

Then, present the solution my startup offers, detailing its unique advantages and how it stands apart from the competition. Ensure this section of the pitch showcases my startup’s USP in a compelling manner.

Incorporate key data points or testimonials that prove the efficacy of our solution. Be concise yet impactful with this evidence to build credibility.

Conclude with a direct call to action, prompting the journalist to take the next step, such as arranging an interview or requesting more information.

Please maintain a professional tone throughout the pitch but ensure it feels personalized to the journalist's beat and interests. Attach any relevant press releases or additional materials that would assist the journalist in seeing the full potential of the story.

The pitch should not exceed 350 words, allowing for quick readability while being rich in content. Format the pitch in Markdown for readability and emphasis where needed.

Before we begin, you may start by asking me a series of questions to help you with the task.

Example of Prompt in Use

Here is how a startup founder could generate a media pitch of a newsletter that the startup produce:

How Wielded is Designed to Help

At Wielded, we've tailored our platform around the unique needs of startup founders seeking media coverage:

  • Custom Personas: Preloaded with knowledge of your startup, our AI swiftly adapts to any journalist or publication's style, creating highly personalized pitches.
  • Collaborative Crafting: Invite your team to contribute, ensuring a unified approach in media outreach, while exposing diverse angles of your startup's story.
  • Idea Multiplicity: Generate various personas for pitching alternate narratives, allowing you to test different angles and increase the chances of coverage.

Wielded empowers founders to streamline their media outreach with personalized, impactful pitches that resonate.


Q: How long should my media pitch be to ensure it gets read?

A: A concise pitch, no longer than 350 words, is recommended for quick readability while ensuring your core message is clear and impactful.

Q: Can Wielded help me with pitch distribution to multiple media outlets?

A: While Wielded specializes in crafting personalized pitches, distribution should be done through established PR channels or direct contact, augmented by the tailored personas you create within Wielded.

Q: What makes the PAS framework effective for media pitches?

A: The PAS framework is compelling because it structures your message to first highlight a genuine problem, then builds tension by agitating that problem, and finally offers your startup as the relieving solution. It's storytelling that hooks and sells.

Q: How does Wielded ensure my pitch is targeted to the right journalist?

A: Wielded's AI takes into account the journalist's beat and recent articles, allowing the pitch to be tailored not just to the media outlet but to the individual journalist’s interests and style.

Q: Should my pitch include a press release or should it stand alone?

A: It’s beneficial to attach a press release with more details about your news but ensure your pitch can stand alone with a compelling brief on its own.

Q: How can Wielded assist in tracking the outcomes of my pitches?

A: While Wielded is built for content creation rather than tracking, it facilitates easy updating and refinement of pitches based on previous interactions and responses, creating a seamless feedback loop for continuous improvement.

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